What a wonderful Christmas we have had this year at our house in town (Cleveland). Our children and grand-children were with us for a few hours of love and laughter. True Christmas joy filled the air as grand-children and great grandchildren played with toys - and the adults went back for one more helping of dessert! Since then I've filled up the water tank here at the cabin in anticipation of our New Year's Day men's outing. We are anticipating about 30 men. Don't know for sure - but look forward to the cooking and eating - then playing of musical instruments and singing. Look for a new post and pictures the first week of 2010.
Since the last blog I've added a porch to the back of the house. The under-pinning was sinking and so with the help of my two sons-in-law who live here - we strengthened that first. Then we took apart some of the boards that had been our bridge and used them to build the frame and support structure for the back porch. It's great to have it. Rick and I were sitting on the back porch one rainy day a few weeks ago and saw three wild turkeys come scratching along in the dirt about 50 yards away. Too bad the season was not open!
I just MUST spend more time up here in 2010. With Frances having the major heart surgery last March it was not possible to be here as much as I would have liked. I need to be here so I can keep the mice out...learn more about the nature of this creek...learn more about the drainage of the back yard...and observe more of nature in general. It's so therapeutic for me.
Until then ---