A colorful shot across a field. I love the one hour drive that I make to the cabin. About thirty minutes of the time I'm in the Cherokee National Forest.
Red is visible alongside the road. Gold, green, yellow also abound.
The last three miles of my ride is on gravel road. This colorful limb hangs over-head.
The view leaving the cabin.
The creek at the cabin is moving ever so slowly.
This is the only tree at the cabin showing any color yet. Maybe there is so little color right at the cabin because the building is down in a low place between two mountains?
Why am I here? Because we have a friend who loves to do things for "Mama Frankie". Kathy came Monday to paint the den, kitchen and hallway of our house. I find that the best thing I can do to relieve stress for them and for me is for me to disappear...so out to the cabin and stayed until about 3:30p when a meat truck passed through the mountains selling meat. I bought $1,400 worth of meat for only $706, including tax. I stuffed as much of the meat into my cabin freezer as the little thing would hold, then was forced to take the remaining meat home. I barely managed to get it all stuffed into the freezer. I won't have to buy meat for at least four months.
O.K. -- so the painting was still going on -- which meant that yesterday morning (Tuesday) I also got up and hurried out the door to escape to the mountains!
Nice to have a place to escape to. Love the foliage colors, we are starting to see some here. I know it is time to head south. Wish you guys were going to make it to the Biloxi Reunion, but we certainly understnd.
It will be a time for us to excape from here for a few days.
I know you will enjoy the fall at the cabin, hope you get a squirrel to go along with that meat! hahahahaha
Love you guy, Hug Frances for us!
Chloe and I loved the pics of the beautiful colors God placed on your trail to the cabin!
You are a SMART man - with a GREAT ESCAPE plan! LOL
Love ya!
The woods is always a great place to 'escape' to. Nature at it's best.
Spectacular images with beautiful autumn colors
Hi, I am Ginny's friend Sandra. Ginny emailed me a photo of her that phil took while she was standing in her kitchen. i had my husband take one of me in the back yard and then cut Ginny out and placed her in my photo.
My dad was a Baptist Pastor , in KY for years and then in Georiga. you photos are beautiful and we lived on a creek very much like the one in your photos.
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