This is the OLD Tank.
Saturday while I was out, Kenny Key (my neighbor here in the mountains) called Frances to say that he had at last come into possession of an empty detergent tank that holds 275 gallons. I had almost given up hope of getting a new one and was considering ways to go about modifying the old tank I had and make it usable. Kenny had promised to get me one "next time they throw one away" at his work but that was last fall and still not tank. These are commercial/industrial cleaning detergent containers that the company he works for uses in maintenance. They are very sturdily made - of heavy gauge plastic, and enclosed by a frame of aluminum metal bars that are 1/2 to 3/4" square. (My old tank was encased in heavy duty wire.) When the detergent is all used up they have no further use for the tanks, so they have become popular among our community of "deer shack" owners. They are ideal water tanks, to which we attach a water hose and 12volt pump to make water available in the kitchen sink and in the bathroom.
Mom talking with Dr. Wendy, her audiologist.
So - after taking Mom to Chattanooga this morning to have her hearing aids worked on - I hooked up the little trailer and went to load the empty tank and take it to the cabin. I called three different men that I thought might help me load the tank since it is a bit on the heavy it's awkward to move it by one's self. However, since all the men were busy or out of pocket - I decided to tackle the project alone. I packed an apple, an orange, two boiled eggs, three slices of bread and off I went. After fighting off the pack of dogs Kenny has at his home, I was able to drag, lift, pull and push until I had the tank on my trailer.
This is the NEW tank - halfway across the porch. You can see the trailer attached to the truck in the background.
Heading out to the cabin, I ran into a heavy shower of rain - and just decided to go back home and wait until tomorrow. By the time I was back home, the rain had moved on out - so - with Frances' encouragement I loaded up again and headed for the cabin. This time the weather cooperated and I was able to offload the tank and drag it across the front porch and out back where WE will install it later. ☻ I dared not drive the pickup through the yard! Since I was alone I did not want to have to walk that mile to the top of the mountain to call and say I was now stuck in the mud!
This was the raincloud I was facing! Does that make you want to go home? It did me!!!
Now all I have to do is find time and energy to repair the water leaks under the house caused by my negligence during the winter. I failed to take the hose that feeds the house loose from the tank, then the PVC pipes froze and burst. It's really not that bad - but I promise you - I will drain the pipes and put anti-freeze into the toilet bowl before the next freeze.
Wow, that is a mean lookng cloud, understand why you would turn back.
Hope Mom got the aids fixed adjusted etc. I hope to do mine in the near future.
Glad you got the tank, sometimes you just gotta do it. push, drag,yell: what ever, but it is good you got the job done.
Yep, I would take odds that you will winterize next freeze season.
WEather may freeze yet! Two days ago I was in the pool, today we have heat in the motor home. Wierd.
Take care and have fun playing in the woods!
Love, Jack & Sherry
WoW Fred, What an undertaking. You have more stamina than me for sure.
It looks to me like a grand idea however, question, how do you fill it if you do not have water at the cabin? or does God do that part for you. We have no electricity or water at our cabin either and have to haul it all in. Sure wish I could get ahold of one of those tanks. Bill would be beside himself with something new to 'make do' with. Always a solution somewhere. He's talking about drilling a point...we will see.
We've only had the cabin 10 yrs.
Hope the hearing aids for your Mother have worked out. I need them. Bill needs them. We are still in denial.
Winterize, my friend. It sure will save you many a headache.
Have a great week and enjoy that cabin....we sure love our 'get-away'
Jack, actually, it turned out that one of the hearing aids was stopped with ear wax. It was fixed in less than 5 minutes! Yes, the weather is sometimes weird here in these mtns - but you will be back to swimming in the pool next week - and no more cool spells til summer is past!
Dar, at first I hauled it in 50 gal drums but now I use a basement sump pump dropped into the creek in a 5 gallon bucket, driven by our trusty generator. Of course I haul water in for drinking and cooking - but this does the trick for bathroom, lavatory, and shower. I have propane too - so can boil the water if needed.
Now I know why you called my hubby for help! I wish he could've helped you. However, I am sure happy he was working. :0)
Maybe he'll be part of the "We'll" installing it. :0)
Love you!
It seems pretty clear that you had a lot of work to do! You’re lucky that you were able to get a free water tank though. Well, how’s it doing today? I hope you didn’t have to deal with any serious leaks or other damages, as they might be challenging to solve. Anyway, I wish your family the best!
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