On the other hand, it may be that I'm more interested in the scenery than I am in the hunt itself. Just being out here gives me an indescribable sense of pleasure. I went up Thursday and spent the night after hunting for a couple of hours. I moved to the back porch of the cabin - and since I remembered I had a new pair of anvil loppers - I decided to cut back a few pieces of brush that were blocking my view into the forest behind the cabin. So - here was some of the results of my work.
I picked up a book I had bought a couple of years back called "Trees of the Carolinas". From it I decided that this is a wild cucumber tree. It has a beautiful bloom on it.
The above two shots show a wild cucumber tree. The blooms are beautiful white, similar to a magnolia tree. Both pictures are of the same tree.
This is a picture of a young plant just coming up out of the ground. These are very near to the back porch. There was a huge one just off the front porch but, alas, this year's rains have washed it down stream.
I also decided that we have several varieties of beech trees around the cabin. One is called the "Blue Beech" or locally called "Musclewood" or "Ironwood". We have beautiful flowering mountain laurel as well. The are just ready to burst into full bloom. Sorry but no pictures of the "Musclewood". Next time.
It was a lovely day in the mountains, so I pulled up an old rough table, pulled out my laptop and the "Truck Bible" for a good two hours study session. Each morning I always spend time reading the Bible and praying. For several years I read 12 chapters each day and 20 on Sunday. Following that discipline I was able to read the Bible through four times in a year. Nowadays, I'm back to reading 3 chapters per day - and 5 on Sunday. At this rate I will read the Bible through in one year. How long does it take? I'm an average reader and it takes me fifteen minutes to read three chapters. Of course some are longer than others - but we're talking averages here. If you have never read the Bible through, I highly recommend it. If you have the self-discipline that it takes, it will be an exciting adventure. I'm still learning something each time I go through.
May I give you a couple of hints? One thing, don't worry about pronouncing every word correctly. Most people have that problem. Secondly, when you are reading along and suddenly realize that you are not understanding what you are reading, do not fall to the temptation to go back and try to get the sense of your reading. Just focus on where you are at that moment and go forward. A good slogan that works in my mind is: Ever forward; Never backward! Thirdly, you will need to keep a record of where you are. There are many printed froms available for checking each chapter as you read them. You can start your own record. I keep my "Bible Reading record now on my laptop. I simply type in the passage I've read today - and insert the date beside it.
This is the view from the woods, looking at the back porch. Since my friends Jack and Sherry Darnell were here I have opened up more of the woods behind the cabin.
This is the view looking away from the cabin. After an hour of reading and studying I got up and walked this trail around the perimeter of the property. What a wonderful place God has given me to rest. Thanks for letting me share it with you.
1 comment:
Fred I have to laugh becauswe you have to hunt to realize what you wrote is proven FACT, THEM ANIMALS know when hunting season is in! hahahahahahaha! I just declare that is true.
But then again, I too am more interested in reading and scenery than hunting. BUT when Sonny and I did go hunting, we ATE very well. Everything tastes better in the woods.
The place looks great, and I thank God you have the place. It is a great place to relax and just get off to yourself.
Thanks for the slogan, 'Ever forward, never back.' I will put that into practice.
Love the entry.
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