Friday, September 30, 2011

A Rare Treat

Saturday morning, September 24, 2011 was a rare treat for me.  Frances went with me to the Cabin for the day!  Here are a few pictures of what we did.

Frances sitting in the swing on the front porch. 

Frances asked me to collect these little flowers for her as we rode along in the 4-wheeler.

So delicate and fragile, just like my wife.
These golden colored mushrooms were so unusual...We did not try to eat them, but they sure looked edible
Our Prize For The Day - Ginseng!
Ginseng Berries

Here she is turning her water bottle into a flower vase!
More Flowers - with seeds - can anyone identify these for us?

A Toadstool

More Ginseng...note the yellowing leaves and red berries.


jack69 said...

What a wonderful day for you and your love. I know it was a thrill to her (if for nothing else than to make YOUR day).

Amazing what one can see, if they have good hind sight. Yep I do. I remember four young folk, living in a trailer park. Full of life and a zest for fun on the Gulf. I can remember you and Frances as our neighbors, neither of us had much, but what a love we shared.
Frances has ALWAYS had such a winning smile and way. I am so glad she was able to enjoy a bouquet of wild flowers from her lover. You guys are the best. Thanks for allowing us to enjoy that sweet time with you.
Love ya!!!!(I have a tear or two if that is okay!) Love it!

Fred Alton said...

hahaha...I loved that comment..."Amazing what one can see, if they have good hind sight." Then I remembered some of your latest blog pictures. Yes, it's true - Hindsight is often better than frontsight! ☻

Fred Alton said...

And yes, it's o.k. to be sentimental and tear up at times!

Dar said...

The Asiatic Dayflower and the Orange Touch-Me-Nots are as beautiful as your Frances is. As for the other flower, once again, you tripped me up sure is unique tho.
Isn't if wonderful to take a ride together through the trails this time of much to see.
Enjoy the Joy!

BlueShell said...

I'm Portuguese.Never went, or will go to the USA...but I felt I was seeing nature trough your eyes! I felt your love and tenderness for your wife...and that is so nice.
(sorry for my english...)

Thank You for being the way you both are:
Nice human beings, that love each other and God.

BlueShell said... I am again.

Have a nice and blessed day .


Joyful said...

It looks like Frances had a wonderful time in beautiful surroundings. Her smile says it all. I know you did ;-) Have a wonderful week ahead.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

How wonderful to see a man who loves and treasure his wife so much. God bless you both. The photos are lovely, your love shines..
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.. Blessings from Australia